Alla inlägg den 31 juli 2010

Av Christian - 31 juli 2010 15:39

(Det har tagit ett år, men nu tror jag att det här är avslutat... ... så vida inte min musa får för sig att det här bara är slutet på första kapitlet.) ----------------------------------------------------

Seeking Refuge, part 3

Ever since all this started
that has been the sum
and the substance
of our existance

I say “existance”
for life it is not.
Not since that
the darkest of days
When the dead returned
to that particular state
of being

The dead came back
and we;
we changed.

Refugees always change
and seldom to the better
 - history teaches us that -
but none of us could know
just how great
that change
would be

It did not take long
before most of us
who remained
became something else;
something less than human.


As if the dead
feeding on the livning
was not bad enough,
desperation soon forced mankind
into the very same
atrocities of survival
simply to find sustenance
all while running
seeking refuge


One might think
in a world this big
such small a thing as refuge
would easily be found

But no.
the world as we know it now
may be big
but also,
like never before,

With the dead walking
quiet but ravenous
 - their hunger all-consuming -
the rest of the world
into silence.

This is the first time
since all this began.
“As quiet as  the grave”
The phrase comes unbidden.
and brings a most unusual smile
to the face of a man

Seeking refuge.

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