Direktlänk till inlägg 29 april 2008


Av Christian - 29 april 2008 18:06

(Uppdaterad 30/4 med hjälp från Azale) 

Sannolikt det mest politiskt inkorrekta jag skrivit på rim, men när min perverterade musa parkerar sig på mina axlar har jag inte mycket till val.

Smått influerat av Edward Goreys "The Gashlycrumb Tinies", för vilket jag ber herr Gorey 1000 gånger om ursäkt:

(Observera vänligen att detta inte är menat som vare sig uppmuntran till droger, romantisering av missbruk eller för den delen kritik.

Det är poesi, inte ideologi.)

A for Adrenochrome driving you mad
for B-Carbolines from Harmal to be had
then is for Cannabis, the stoners first choice
is simply DMT, giving God a voice

comes from Extacy, when raving and hugging
is for Fentanyl thats far to strong for drugging
gives us GABA produced in your own brain
stands for Heroin that takes away both life and pain

for Indole Alkaloids found in the Nighshade
is for java, for coffee simply made
is for Ketamine letting your subconscious speak
must be LSD, not for the weak

comes from Morphine, master of sleep
is Nitrous Oxide for a laugh belly-deep
is King Opium from fields of white and red
means only PCP that leaves your soul dead

might be Qualudes, a hit from the past
is for Ritalin making your mind fast
can be ´shrooms, but not the ones for soup
is all the Tryptamines, a pretty large group

U meaning "Uppers" that keep you on your toes
V is for Valium, it takes away your woes
W is the Wormwood, la feé Absinthé of old
X is for Xanax, knocking you out cold

Y is for Yagé from the jungles of Brazil
Z gives us Zopiclone, and thus out list´s fulfilled!



    Kom ihåg mig



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